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A group photo taken outside on Elvia's birthday.

Mission Statement

To provide the best care possible at affordable prices where our Residents can truly feel like this is their home.

Mission House History

2016 was a year that brought many changes, including the decision to close down the former Elkton Manor, which was run as an assisted living facility, and to create in its place, a residential home called the Mission House.


Unfortunately, during this process we had to find new homes for over half our residents who were not eligible for this less intensive provision of care. It was a very hard decision.

Residents enjoying an activity together in the dining room.

The first couple of years required a lot of hard work, and there were many long nights and long shifts for the few of us that remained.


But by God’s grace, He has blessed our work. The business is now out of debt, and we consistently meet the regulatory standards required for maintaining state licensure.

Today is so much brighter. We have time to really care for our residents, spending time with them and listening to them. Our residents are able to go out, go shopping and to have a meaningful life. Seeing the difference our work makes in their lives is a real source of joy for our staff.


We are also grateful that other people and groups show us so much love and support – in the form of meals, activities, Bible studies, and all sorts of things, even a new pavilion – from local churches, family members, and from the community of Elkton. Thank you!

Reiss Family Legacy

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A Word from Elvia


The Reiss Family Legacy is about helping others. I’ve always loved helping people, it’s my passion. When I met the Reiss family, I knew I had met people who put that love into action. That’s not something anyone can fake. To do it right, it has to be in your blood. I loved them and I’m grateful they loved me – because that’s how I met my beloved husband, Tom.


Sadly in 2016, four years after his mother passed away, my dear husband Tom also passed away. This began a time of major transition for me. In the process of tying up various estate responsibilities, however, the opportunity of opening and running the Mission House came about. I had certainly never run any facility by myself, and never expected to be doing that now – but God had other plans.


I am grateful for the love, the memories, and the inspiration that my family has given me, and above all else, for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has been my strength all these years.

Zelda Reiss


A real inspiration for me was my mother-in-law, Ms. Zelda Reiss, a very loving and caring woman. She also worked hard. She was a registered nurse and ran two nursing homes. She loved to share Jesus and His love. I know first-hand because I spent the last eight years of her life, until her passing in 2012, as her personal caretaker, so I got to spend time with her both on her good days and on her challenging days.


What I saw, was that no matter the circumstances, she was always thinking of others' needs. Even in her daily purchases, she didn’t spend extra on herself, but preferred to spend her money for people who had real needs. Her heart was to give. She was always giving to charities and ministries, including Maranatha, 3ABN, Lifeline to Africa, and many others. She was doing what the Lord tells us to do: giving clothes to the needy, visiting jails, praying for people in the hospital that were sick. Her kindness and actions touched many lives and hearts through the years.

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With Enduring Gratitude and Love for Ms. Zelda Reiss

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